About Me

My photo
I'm just a girl who loves life and living life each day as it comes. About me, I'm a creative girl who likes to share my work with the world. I have started my own part time business on the side. I do Alphabet Photography. Alphabet Photography is the process of taking pictures of everyday objects and then putting them together to form words. It's a very unique form of art. Also makes a very nice gift for everyone, will fit into any home decor. A timeless treasure to last a lifetime. I'm located in London, ON. My work is on display at the Western Fair Farmers Market every Saturday from 8-3. E-mail me at christine231@rogers.com for more information or to place an order.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Time Flies When your Havin' Fun!!!

My sign I created to let everyone know why they should buy Alphabet Art :)
My beautiful banner...I'm in LOVE-lol

One table in my booth at the




Come out and visit the Western Fair Farmers' Market





See ya soon.

This is an AWESOME frame...HOME then you add 4-4x6 prints of your own. This frame is available in White, Black and Brown. LOVE looks nice all done up too. Great gift idea for Weddings, New Home, Mother's Day, Birthdays. A timeless treasure to last a lifetime.

LOVE LIFE CLOCK-in the last couple of weeks my clocks have become very popular. Only $25 each.

a few styles available...

A custom order for MOM's DAY!!!

This is one of my Favourite "LOVE"


LOVE with a Heart!!!

So I'm gearing up for Mother's Day...I have lots of wonderful art pieces to pick from. I'm also enjoying being at the Western Fair Market every Saturday from 8-3. I have been at the Market for just over 2 months now...Business is pretty steady. I'm really enjoying getting out and doin' my thing!!! My website is under construction for a bit...So, I thought I should be updating my poor blog. Picture overload for today's post :) Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A nice selection of magnets to choose from...only $5 each or 5 for $20.
My favourite Magnet!

Just around the corner...

A really unique frame...with a splash of colour!
Gift Ideas

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Still Designing new work


Here are some new ideas I have been working on. Let me know what u think!

These are my favourite frames. I love your comments, so drop me a line.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Priced at only $25, now everyone can LOVE LIFE! I think it's TIME to get a new clock :)

A Few More...


Just a few more to share...

Gettin' Ready!


Starting this Saturday March the 12th. I will be selling my art at the Western Fair Farmers Market.(8-3)
I will have a nice selection of unique items. Come check out the market. A great place to shop!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Let's Spring into our Spring March Deal a Day Early

March(Spring into Spring Special) all LETTERS only $2 each. REG. $3 each. What
a DEAL!!! Now's the time to look at your calenders and figure out upcoming
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Showers and New Home gift ideas.(frames are
extra). OR you can frame your Alphabet Letters as you like(prints are 4x6).
Remember HOME, LOVE and FAMILY were voted top 3 in 2010.

These make unique gift ideas for all occasions and they fit all decor-a timeless
treasure to last a lifetime.

What are you waiting for??? E-mail christine231@rogers.com to place your

Have A Happy Day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Basic Style of necklace


For only $30 each or 2 for $50 you can order an initial necklace for yourself or for a gift. I also have available MOM, LOVE, LUV, DAD. I'm working on more designs. Let me know if you have a special order. E-mail christine231@rogers.com

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Necklaces, Magnets, Placemats and Keychains!

Oh, my...
I'm now making very cool Id style tag necklaces(LOVE). They are only $30 each or 2 for $50. Pics to come, mine is on order. Give 1-2 weeks to place order. Magnets are (HOME) or (LOVE LIFE) and are only $8 each. Placemats still only $10 each or 4 for $30(I have done up MOM, DAD, HOME and LOVE. Keychains are selling for $20 each or 2 for $35.
I will post pics at a later time, for more info. e-mail christine231@rogers.com and let me turn your ideas into the coolest gifts for loved ones(or just yourself) because everyone should LOVE themselves :)
Just a heads up for March
ALL Letters
$2 each
REG. $3 each
so start thinking of all the upcoming BDS, Anniversaries,
and New Home Gift ideas.
What a GREAT deal...
You won't want to miss it.
Think Spring!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I'm now making key chains. At this point I have designed "LOVE LIFE". I can add your name to the key chain.(no charge). Each key chain is $20 or 2 for $35. They make cute little gifts with that personal touch of their name. Everybody loves a keychain.
Please allow 1 week for order to come in.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Yay, Welcome February!!! In February L-O-V-E is being showcased. L-O-V-E letters only $10.(frame not inclued). Reg.$12
I will be offering 3 different frames including L-O-V-E Alphabet Photography Letters.
All at AMAZING prices.




2 White available.


3 Black available.

E-mail me... christine231@rogers.com (and start "Spreading the LOVE"!!!)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Alphabet Photography in colour


Add a little HOME to your life. Now available in colour! HOME was rated #1 over the holiday season. Get yours now...


Feeling the LOVE. Now available in colour also!!! LOVE was rated #2 over the holidays. Get yours now...


Nothing is better then FAMILY and spending time with our FAMILIES. Now available in colour too! Yay. FAMILY was rated #3 over the holiday season. Get yours today.

Just a reminder(January Special) of 3pcs for $100 framed(up to six letters per word). So, that means you can get the top 3 pics for $100(framed and ready to hang)!!! What an AWESOME deal. Birthdays, anniversaries, New home and Weddings - the perfect gift for all occasions.(at the perfect price too). e-mail christine231@rogers.com to order or for more info. You will LOVE your Christine's Creative Design Art and so will everyone else!!! Order today.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Gift Idea

My friend got engaged over the weekend, I made her LIVE out of my Alphabet Photography. She is gonna LOVE it. LOVE would also make a beautiful gift except she already has LOVE :)

Best Wishes Michelle and Sam!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just Me...


I thought I would include a small collage of ME, just for fun!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Personalize with your name



These frames are cool, they hold 7 letters. Names can be done up in any frame. I did these 2 frames up as Christmas gifts, I thought they were a fun and unique way to display their names. If you have any questions or would like more info send an e-mail my way! christine231@rogers.com

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



Hi, Friends and Family.

I have been hearing from some of you that u can't get to my blog:( Sorry about that! If you message me christine231@rogers.com I can send you a clickable link. or you can comment for me-just click on the comment button and you should be able to leave a message for me. I would really like to hear from you. Clicking on the "follow" button should allow you to follow my blog, once again I have had some feedback that, that has been a problem too. Please let me know if your experience any of these issues.

Thanks for taking the time to visit me.

Christine :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Message for you in Colour :)


I have done some new letters up in colour-What do u think? I personally like to mix up the letters. Anything goes in my world-lol
Have a Happy Day.

Monday, January 3, 2011

For the MUSIC Lovers~


Which one do you like better???


I love comments, please give me your feedback :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011




What a nice way to express your Love. Unique gift ideas :) Please forward your thoughts and ideas, I would love to hear from you.

Letters from the SWEET Shop

My son's name displayed above.

You can mix and match with the letters from the Sweet Shop with this month's special.
For example if you wanted 1-FAMILY, 1-CHILD'S name from the sweet shop letters and then 1-HOME. All for only $100(that's FRAMED:) If you don't want them framed-you would rather frame them yourself.(that's cool) Letters are only $3 each, talk about a SWEET deal...

My other son's name(I can't do one and not the other-lol)

Thanks for checking out my blog-Have a Sweetastic Saturday~